Mansoor Shafi, Classical Homeopath

My Story
I was born in a distant foreign land. As a child, a teenager, and a young adult, I suffered from poor health. I was given antibiotics frequently for recurring infections, antihistamines for allergies, psychotropic drugs for anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. It seemed an ongoing downward spiral.
I came to the United States—a culmination of my childhood dream–to attend the prestigious J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, and then started working as a banker in New York City. It was here that I first met Dr. Martin Goldman, a classical homeopath, who was able to cure my allergies, and manage the myriad health issues I had. This sparked my interest in homeopathy, and I started studying it as a hobby, and then started using this modality on family, and friends on an informal basis leading to good results.
After moving to Colorado, I met the eminent classical homeopath, Dennis Kay who became a mentor, a friend, and a teacher, in addition to being the homeopath I consulted every six weeks. Under his loving care, the joy of life came back. I became healthy once again, and my love of homeopathy grew, as in it I saw a life changing healing modality.
Homeopath Dennis Kay encouraged me to train as a homeopath. I trained under him over a ten-year period, which included studying an array of homeopathic books, and attendance at webinars. He taught me how to use homeopathy to understand the direction of cure, and how to manage a person’s disturbed vital force, the energy complex. After he passed away, Mrs. Kay called me and said I am calling all of Dennis’ patients and referring them to other homeopaths, but in your case I will not do so. I asked her why? She responded by saying, Dennis told me that you are now ready not only to use homeopathy on yourself but also to assist others feel better.
I then enrolled at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, the prestigious institution based in Alonissos, Greece to learn from the eminent Homeopath George Vithoulkas—one of the most famous, and well-respected healers in the world today. “This is really an acute observation of Mansoor … he will be an excellent prescriber!” George Vithoulkas, May 9, 2022.
Education is an ongoing endeavor. I am still learning, training, and obtaining valuable experience as I practice homeopathy, for the rest of my time on earth. Homeopathy, a gentle form of healing, it is a God-given gift. The results are impressive, sometimes bordering on the miraculous!
Mansoor Shafi