Homeopathic Consulting

Are You Suffering from Any of the Following?
- Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks
- Fears and Phobias. Emotional and Physical Trauma
- Tinnitus
- Grief from loss of loved ones, divorces, broken relationships
- Diabetes—Sugar Imbalances
- Hypertension
- Digestive Problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation
- Erectile Dysfunction–Impotence in men
- Lack of sexual desire in women
- Musculoskeletal pains
- Headaches
- Fibromyalgia
- Pains and Sprains
- Backaches
- Allergies
- Fatigue and Weakness
Homeopathy Works: If You Never Try You’ll Never Know!
We treat your whole body and system, your very core and vital force, the energy complex.
This approach and treatment modality often leads to an alleviation of pain and discomfort you may be experiencing and an amelioration of chronic symptoms.
We use homeopathic remedies, prepared according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS). These remedies carry the unique memory, the energetic imprint of the original substance from which they are made which stimulates your vital force, the energy complex leading to an overall improvement and to a cessation of troubling symptoms.